Plugin manager

Plugins are a really exciting way we can extend the base functionality of Vim.

We will use plugins to implement 2 features

  • color themes
  • a file explorer

We will use a plugin manager called VimPlug (vim-plug) to manage our plugins. There are other plugin managers, such as Pathogen and Vundle, but VimPlug is great.

It is minimalist, with parallel downloading and dynamic plugin loading. There is a good discussion here.

You can access its documentation here.


We need to copy a file called plug.vim from vim-plug, and place it into the configuration directory for Neovim.

We can do this manually, but we will use the command line:

curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Update .vimrc

Now, we need to tell Vim that we are using vim-plug as the plug-in manager

Add this to the top of .vimrc

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

" We will list our plugins here

call plug#end()

Vim Plug setup

Now we need to save and reload vim with our new config

:so %


Let's confirm that we have installed vim-plug properly:


We get this message:

No plugin to install

Vim Plug Install

This is fine! We will be installing plugins in the section.

Tab Completion

Tab completion works with plugins too.


Vim displays all the commands for vim-plug (which all start with Plug):

Plug PlugClean PlugDiff

Tab completion for Plug

Plug Status

Let's run the PlugStatus command using tab-completion:

As a reminder, here is a mapping of the keystrokes and their effect:

:Plug<TAB>                    Shows a list of all commands starting with Plug>
          S                   Shows a list of all commands starting with PlugS
           <TAB><TAB>         Tab across to PlugStatus
                     <Enter>  Execute PlugStatus

Vim Plug Status

We can close that status window by pressing q (abbreviation for quit).

Tidy .vimrc

Let's add some comments and compartmentalize our .vimrc

Vimrc Tidy

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