Color Theme
Ok! This is an exciting section - we're going to spruce up Vim with a color theme!
We will use vim-colors-solarized
as a starting point.
We need to tell VimPlug to install this plugin, by adding it to our .vimrc
inside the 2 call
Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
We also need to tell Vim to use this plugin:
" Use Solarized color scheme
colorscheme solarized
Now we need to save, reload, and run PlugInstall
First, let's save:
Then, we need to reload Vim using our updated .vimrc
:so %
We will get this error, but that's okay - we know that we haven't installed that plugin yet.
We can dismiss that with <Enter>
Now, let's get VimPlug to install our color theme plugin!
We should see this success window:
Finally, we need to reload .vimrc
:so %